- Improved searching speed in orders
- Improvements of design on several windows
- Fixed issues with module functionality
- Improved design of status editing interface
- Updated searching filters
- Increased performance when load, save and print crew list
- Fixed issues with searching in crew list
- Improved performance when loading, saving, and printing Crew List
- Fixed search in crew list
The following documents have been added to the print list:
- Complaint Form
- Letter of guarantee
- Company policy
- Complaint Procedure
New module Candidates on testing stage
- Fixed issues when copying user permissions after rank change
Safety & Quality:
- Fixed issues with saving attached files in certificates
- Added feature to reorder records in general list of Audits and Ship’s equipment
- Improved design quality in Reports page
- Fixed issue when user is unable to edit report
- Added feature to send audits and certificates via email with file attachments