The Fleet Module centralizes fleet management, allowing managers to monitor multiple vessels and stay informed through a comprehensive notification system. This module ensures streamlined fleet management, allowing for proactive planning, organized notifications, and enhanced operational control.
Lets you view all vessels on a map, see their real-time locations, and check the last sync date between vessel servers and the office.
Color-Schemed Notifications provide clarity!
Allows you to sort notifications by the relevant module, focusing only on what’s important to you.
Flags key updates like urgent reports, job postponement requests, and new candidate applications for immediate review.
Individualized Notifications are separated by vessel and office-related updates for better clarity and organization.
The WAYL Fleet Module empowers managers to streamline operations, maintain oversight, and ensure timely actions across the entire fleet.
Read real experiences from those who trust and use our software and see what makes our program the top choice for our users.
Our crew and office staff adapted to the system very quickly. The interface is intuitive, and even those who are not tech-friendly found it easy to navigate and find it quite easy to monitor our vessels with colored notifications.
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